Contact Nicky Abdinor Founder & Chairperson +27 21 555 3298 +27 84 554 0990 PO Box 700 Milnerton, 7435 Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA NICKY’S DRIVE (086-364-NPO) Twitter Facebook Youtube Category* Hello Donate Volunteer Apply Please select the relevant category above!Before you contact us;Have you seen our "Apply" page with more information and application form to download? Click herePayment method*How would you like to pay? Credit Card ( PayGate ) Electronic Funds Transfer ( EFT ) SnapScan ( Mobile ) First Name* Last Name* Email* Phone* Home Phone* Work Phone* Mobile Phone* SA ID Number Occupation Gender Male Female Ethnicity Residential AddressPostal AddressEmployer / Business and addressMessage*AmountDonation Amount ( South African Rand ) Anonymous*Would you like to stay anonymous? No, I don't mind Yes please Please click the submit button below. We will send you an email with our banking detail. Open SnapScan on your phone, scan the code, and enter the amount you will like to donate, it's that simple! New to SnapScan? SnapScan lets you pay for the goods and services. No cash or cards needed and it is is free to use, with no additional charges to you as the user. Just download the app and link your credit or debit card. In less than 5 minutes, you’re good to go! iPhone - iOS 7.1+ Android 2.3.3+ Blackberry 10+ Terms* I have read the Terms & Conditions Please click on the Submit button below to complete your transaction. You will be redirected to a secure page hosted by our online payment gateway, PayGate. CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ
Open SnapScan on your phone, scan the code, and enter the amount you will like to donate, it's that simple! New to SnapScan? SnapScan lets you pay for the goods and services. No cash or cards needed and it is is free to use, with no additional charges to you as the user. Just download the app and link your credit or debit card. In less than 5 minutes, you’re good to go!