Contact Nicky Abdinor Founder & Chairperson +27 84 554 0990 Postnet Suite 1025 Private Bag x2 Century City, 7446 SOUTH AFRICA NICKY’S DRIVE (086-364-NPO) Facebook Youtube "*" indicates required fields Category* Hello Donate Volunteer Apply Please select the relevant category above!Before you contact us;Have you seen our "Apply" page with more information and application form to download? Click herePayment method*How would you like to pay? Credit Card ( PayGate ) Electronic Funds Transfer ( EFT ) First Name*Last Name*Home Phone*Work Phone*Mobile Phone*Email* Phone*SA ID NumberGender Male Female OccupationEthnicityResidential AddressPostal AddressEmployer / Business and addressMessage*AmountDonation Amount ( South African Rand ) Anonymous*Would you like to stay anonymous? No, I don't mind Yes please Please click the submit button below. We will send you an email with our banking detail.Terms* I have read the Terms & Conditions Please click on the Submit button below to complete your transaction. You will be redirected to a secure page hosted by our online payment gateway, PayGate. CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ